
A GLP-1/GLP-2 receptor dual agonist targeting obesity and low-grade inflammation

Dapiglutide is an investigational long-acting GLP-1/GLP-2 receptor dual agonist for once-weekly subcutaneous administration. This is a first-in-class peptide designed to leverage the weight loss effects of a potent GLP-1 agonist and address comorbidities associated with low-grade inflammation through improved intestinal barrier function by GLP-2.

People living with obesity have increased translocation of bacteria from the gut lumen into the bloodstream due to a reduced integrity of the intestinal barrier, or “leaky gut”, driving a state of low-grade inflammation. This obesity-related low-grade inflammation can result in comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and neuro-inflammation. 

Zealand Pharm Lab Part 1 BF3I7699
PROGRAM Dapiglutide
Phase 1

Development status

Two clinical trials with dapiglutide are currently ongoing.

We are conducting a Phase 1b clinical trial is a Phase 1b dose-titration clinical trial investigating the effects of dapiglutide over a 13 week treatment period. The trial is designed to explore higher doses than have been assessed in previous trials. We expect to report topline results in the second half of 2024.

The second clinical trial is a mechanistic investigator-led clinical trial designed to evaluate the effects of low doses of dapiglutide on body weight, as well as gain insights into gut permeability and inflammation over a 12 week treatment period.

Dapiglutide was previously evaluated in a Phase 1 multiple ascending dose (MAD) trial in healthy volunteers and demonstrated an average dose-dependent body weight reduction of up to 4.3% after four weeks. These results were reported in 2022 and supported further clinical development of dapiglutide for obesity. 

Dapiglutide is an investigational compound whose safety and efficacy have not been evaluated or approved for marketing by any regulatory authority.

Related scientific publications

All scientific publications
  • ADA Scientific Sessions

    Dapiglutide is a dual agonist on human GLP-1- and GLP-2-receptors with a biased and prolonged signaling profile at the GLP-1R

  • Obesity Week

    Effect of Dapiglutide Alone and in Combination with the Amylin Analog ZP8396 in the Diet-induced Obesity Rat Model

  • ADA Scientific Sessions

    Dapiglutide, a Once Weekly GLP 1R/GLP 2R Dual Agonist, Was Safe and Well Tolerated and Showed Dose Dependent Body Weight Loss Over 4 Weeks in Healthy Subjects

Learn about clinical trials involving dapiglutide


More about the disease area

Overweight and obesity are associated with more than 220 complications and comorbidities, including cardiovascular disease, liver disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, and neuroinflammation.

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